Friday, February 13, 2015

Stay Safe on Twitter

How to Stay Safe on Twitter

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  • Choose a strong password and never give it out to anyone. Choosing a strong password protects your account from hackers, and if you give out your password, people might successfully log into your account as well.
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  • Ignore messages from people you don't know. Remember, don't talk to a stranger.

  • Remember, it's up to you to decide what to do if you get a tweet from someone. Reply if you want; if you don't want to reply, don't.
  • Only follow people you know. If you follow someone you don't know, there can be a risk in doing this - the person you're following might be fake, or they might try to take you away - something like that.
  • Be careful when clicking on links. Many people put links up on Twitter, and the majority of them are short ones that direct people to a new, extended link (which are known as URL shorteners). These kinds of links can also hide the end of the website name, which makes it hard to tell where the link will direct you to: 
    • Do not click on links to sites you don't know anything about. These sites could potentially be attack sites.

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·         It is dangerous to tweet about when you will be away from home, unless your tweets are protected, or unless someone else will be at home. If you do, burglars could potentially break into your house and steal your valuables. If you must tell followers about when you won't be at home, use direct message or protect your tweets.

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