Friday, February 13, 2015

Be Safe on Facebook

How to Keep Safe on Facebook
Facebook is the fastest growing social networking site in the world today with up to 250,000 new users being added every day. However, sharing information has many risks including your name, which can be accessed by others, and your profile can be viewed. Anyone can get valuable information and private photos from your profile -- ultimately getting you in big trouble. You can keep your misfortunes down to a minimum by following these steps, which can help you separate the good people from the bad ones.

  • Set the Privacy settings on your profile to "Friends".

    • Always monitor pictures that other people put of you and tag you on. Don't hesitate for a second to "un-tag" yourself from pictures that you do not approve of
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      • Do not post pictures of yourself under the influence of any type of substance. 
      •     Be cautious  the status, photos, videos, etc.
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      •     Avoid putting your phone number, mailing address, or your home address in your profile

      •             Never post information regarding an upcoming vacation or trip as your status.

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      • Change your password every now and then
      Do not make your password something obvious such as your birthday or mother's maiden name. Try to have at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, two numbers, and a symbol.

      • Don't confuse Facebook with an on-line dating site. 

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      • Be careful who you befriend. Do not befriend anyone out of your state/country unless you know them pretty well. Only accept people you know.

      • Take advantage of online Social Network Monitoring services
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      • Before clicking on a link from Facebook, always remember to check the address bar, which should always display "" and nothing else like "" or "www.facebook1.php", etc. which is a giveaway of a fisher. It can steal your e-mail and password, as well as post spam links to your friends' Walls,
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