Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Advice to children

I am a child. What should I do to stay safe online?

·         I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, and parents.
·         I will tell my parents right away if I come across something that makes me feel uncomfortable

  •  I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message like that. If I do, I will tell my parents right away.

·         I will not give out my passwords to anyone (even my best friend) other than my parents.

·         I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or mobile device or jeopardize my family privacy.
·         I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology

Monday, February 16, 2015

Our Video

Video: "Advice when you use facebook" created by Nada , Yasmine, Hajer & Mehdi
Video  "Video  virus vs antivirus" created by: Achref, Louay, Firas

Animated video  created by:
Nour & Mohamed SKANDRANI
    You must scan your USB drive
    Don't click on the cookies
    Don't uninstall the antivirus 
Description :
We used many websites  like:
-google images
-convertisseur youtube to mp4
also we used many programs like:
-movie maker
-microsoft office picture manager 
-google chrome

Our Paper docs

Logo created by : 
Louay AMOR
Posters created by : 
    Ayoub Ben Torkia
    Adnen HNAYEN
Danger of the internet
Internet safety rules
Posters Created by 
Ranim and Rim
Posters Created by
Be safe Stay safe
Flyer created by :
Yassine Chaouech
Aziz Hssin
Yassine Ben Hamroun
Brochures created by :
Ghada Frigui
Be Safe online
Keep Safe Your Computer
Poster Created by: 
Rahaf Atri
Roua Salah
Samar Ben Charada

Poster created by : Ahmed & Sleh & Nassim

Friday, February 13, 2015

Stay safe on youtube

Rules to youtube-ing safely 
  • Never say your full name. First name is okay, but never your last name. 
  • Never give out anything that says where you live. Make sure whenever you film a video that it doesn't give away anything personal. 
  • Never give out your phone number. 
  • Have a seperate e-mail only for youtube. That way you can still use a private e-mail for your important updates and your youtube for the annoying spams and trolls that you'll meet. 
  • And most importantly, here's the number one internet safety rule. If you don't want your video on google then you probably shouldn't post it. Once you post your video, consider it there forever.

Safe online games for kids

Gaming Tips for Parents :
As a parent or carer you should find out about the dangers and help eradicate or minimise as many of them as possible to make sure that your child is a 'safe gamer' online.
  • Starting out – make sure your computer has an activated security feature such as a firewall, anti-spyware software or anti-virus software. You may also want to switch your pop up blocker on. 

  •  Tell your child to come to you if any messages or icons appear that make them feel uncomfortable or they are unsure where (or who) they came from.

  • Teach your child how to block or report cases of cyberbullying; tell them not to engage with the bully.

  • Check that your child’s username does not give away any personal information – eg name, location, age, date of birth or any other personal information.

  • Encourage them not to send their personal details to fellow gamers.   
  • Never let your child use current picture of themselves - encourage them to use an animated avatar image.
  • Read and understand the ratings for the games that your children are playing or involved in. Various game sites have multiple games with a variety of different ratings, check the ins and outs.

Be Safe on Facebook

How to Keep Safe on Facebook
Facebook is the fastest growing social networking site in the world today with up to 250,000 new users being added every day. However, sharing information has many risks including your name, which can be accessed by others, and your profile can be viewed. Anyone can get valuable information and private photos from your profile -- ultimately getting you in big trouble. You can keep your misfortunes down to a minimum by following these steps, which can help you separate the good people from the bad ones.

  • Set the Privacy settings on your profile to "Friends".

    • Always monitor pictures that other people put of you and tag you on. Don't hesitate for a second to "un-tag" yourself from pictures that you do not approve of
    Keep Safe on Facebook Step 2 Version 2.jpg
      • Do not post pictures of yourself under the influence of any type of substance. 
      •     Be cautious  the status, photos, videos, etc.
      Keep Safe on Facebook Step 5 Version 2.jpg
      •     Avoid putting your phone number, mailing address, or your home address in your profile

      •             Never post information regarding an upcoming vacation or trip as your status.

      Keep Safe on Facebook Step 7 Version 2.jpg
      • Change your password every now and then
      Do not make your password something obvious such as your birthday or mother's maiden name. Try to have at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, two numbers, and a symbol.

      • Don't confuse Facebook with an on-line dating site. 

      Keep Safe on Facebook Step 9 Version 2.jpg
      • Be careful who you befriend. Do not befriend anyone out of your state/country unless you know them pretty well. Only accept people you know.

      • Take advantage of online Social Network Monitoring services
      Keep Safe on Facebook Step 11 Version 2.jpg

      • Before clicking on a link from Facebook, always remember to check the address bar, which should always display "www.facebook.com/" and nothing else like "www.facebook33.tk" or "www.facebook1.php", etc. which is a giveaway of a fisher. It can steal your e-mail and password, as well as post spam links to your friends' Walls,
      Keep Safe on Facebook Step 12 Version 2.jpg

      Stay Safe on Twitter

      How to Stay Safe on Twitter

      Stay Safe on Twitter Step 1.jpg
      • Choose a strong password and never give it out to anyone. Choosing a strong password protects your account from hackers, and if you give out your password, people might successfully log into your account as well.
      Stay Safe on Twitter Step 2.jpg
      • Ignore messages from people you don't know. Remember, don't talk to a stranger.

      • Remember, it's up to you to decide what to do if you get a tweet from someone. Reply if you want; if you don't want to reply, don't.
      • Only follow people you know. If you follow someone you don't know, there can be a risk in doing this - the person you're following might be fake, or they might try to take you away - something like that.
      • Be careful when clicking on links. Many people put links up on Twitter, and the majority of them are short ones that direct people to a new, extended link (which are known as URL shorteners). These kinds of links can also hide the end of the website name, which makes it hard to tell where the link will direct you to: 
        • Do not click on links to sites you don't know anything about. These sites could potentially be attack sites.

      Stay Safe on Twitter Step 6.jpg

      ·         It is dangerous to tweet about when you will be away from home, unless your tweets are protected, or unless someone else will be at home. If you do, burglars could potentially break into your house and steal your valuables. If you must tell followers about when you won't be at home, use direct message or protect your tweets.

      Monday, February 9, 2015

      Protect your computer

      How to avoid viruses?
      •  Use an Internet Security Suite, like Norton 360, Kaspersky, Avast.... 
      • Keep your home network secured with a good password and security settings.
      • Learn to avoid clicking links, responding to ads, and opening e-mails when that come from someone you don't know or appear suspicious. Just take  an extra moment to call your friend ("Did you post that link?"), type the URL for your bank, or otherwise display your worldly wisdom by not falling in these social engineering tricks.
      • Use a good password (unique and complex) on all accounts and devices
      • Talk to your kids about avoiding viruses.
      • Use some programs of security like avast.

      Monday, February 2, 2015

      Safety on Facebook:



      A social network service is a website or service where people talk to, or network with other people. Social Network Service can connect people with same interests like football, schools, dogs and friends. Most Social Networks will let you create profile page with your pictures and information about yourself and this can cause you many problems, so in this space you will learn how to be safe on social networks.



      1.  Logo
      Louay Amor
      Achref Cherif
      Firas Nouira
      2. Advertising and communication: 
      Ahmed KALLALA
      Arwa KENDIL
      3.    Papered Docs:

      a. Posters
      Ayoub Ben Torkiya
      Adnen Hnain 
      Yassin Ben Hamroun
      Ranim Ben  Abdelkader
      Athir Baatout
      Ahmed Debbich
      Slaheddin Ben Wada
      Nassim Rihani
      b. Brochures
      Ghada Frigui
      Samar BEN HSSEN
      Ahlem MOULEZEM
      c. Picture Story
      Rahaf Atri
      Roua Saleh
      Samar Omrani
      4. Written docs
       Alaa  Mansour 
      Ilef Fantar
      Ines Rhim
      Salma Daami
      Cheima Harzallah
      Abir Bchir
      Mohamed Mahdi Mili
      Mostfa Lotfi Ben Ticha
      Mahdi Zili
      Wissem Bou Jlida
      Yassine BelHaj Brahim
      Ahlem Gouidhi
      Olfa Kneni
      Imen Bajjar
      Khouloud Almabrouk
      Soumaya Kerkni
      Dhouha Ben Khlifa
      Molka Hmida
      Nouha Lahdhiri
      Yasmine Fguir
      Mohamed Firas Machhout
      Mohamed Yassine Torki
      5.   Animation & quizzes:
      Sarra MEDDEB
      Roua BESBES
      Imen MAHMOUD 
      Linda KALLELA
      Yosr DRIRA
      Nermine DHOUIBI
      Med Ameur SAYADI
      Sandra Hmidi
      Arij BARBOURA 
      Hamza HSIN
      Med amin GUILA
      Med sadek SLIMEN
      Yassin BEN MOUHAMED
      Yasmine BEN MECHLIA
      Nouha SLAMA
      Mohamed amin CHAKROUN
      Mohamed SKANDRANI  
      Nour SOUKI
      6. Role play:
      Hiba OUACHEM
      Nada LOUHICHI
      Milene MZALI
      Meryem LABIDI
      Aziz OUACHEM
      Adem Doss
      Hamed Slim
      Adnen Jedda
      Aya Guennoun
      Ala Sassi
      Louay AMOR
      Achref CHERIF
      Firas NUIRA
      Hajer Bizid
      Nada Soussi
      Mehdi Ghomrasi
      Yasmine Tabka

       8-  Online Survey & Statistics 

      Sirine Zidi 
      Nada Zina
      Norhen Sakouhi